Prop C
Now that Prop C has passed we need to develop our recommendations for the board of supervisors to help guide the implementation for Prop C.
FCCs have always provided a substantial percentage of infant care in the city.
How can we insure that Prop C supports increasing infant spaces and access to infant care in FCCs?
What are some of the barriers to providing infant care?
What connects our desire to stabilize and secure the FCC delivery sector with Prop C plan to increase infant care?
Which neighborhoods have the most children and families? Are these places where FCCs could grow?
Would it benefit us to ask for facility improvement funding, additional funding supports for FCCs who are accredited or want accreditation, infant toddler certifications (PITC), low interest loans or grants for facility renovation, changes in licensing definition to align with centers 18 month threshold?
Supervisor Yee has invited us into this discussion. Please give this some serious thought and bring some suggestions with you to the next board meeting. Even if you are not serving infants and toddlers, your feedback and suggestions can help us generate a survey to providers.
Let's ask parents their thoughts as well.
1. 我們需要建立C提案撥款的建議給市參事,只因他們如何分配資金
2. 現時家庭托兒提供三藩市大部分的嬰兒服務
3. 我們如何能確保C提案增加嬰兒空位,讓更多的家庭有嬰兒托兒服務
4. 提供嬰兒托兒服務有甚麼困難?
5. C提案目標增加嬰兒托兒服務,有咩理由要穩固家庭托兒
6. 甚麼地區最多小朋友和家庭? 這些地區容許家庭托兒增長嗎?
7. 以下那些提議對我們有益? 要求增加環境改善資金,額外的資金支持已經認證的托兒者,希望認證的托兒者,獲取PITC證書,低利息借貸或撥款給設施翻新.要求牌照局改變嬰兒的定義與中心一致(18個月)
8. 余鼎昂邀請我們參與這些討論. 請細心想想以上的問題,帶同你的建議來下次開會(7/18). 即使你沒有照顧嬰幼兒,你的意見和建議都能幫我們建立一個問卷給托兒者們.