

另外,向各位三藩市家庭托兒者發出通知,下星期六(12月8日)早上10時到中午12時在三藩市總圖書館(100 Larkin St)有一場重要的公共諮詢.
三藩市早期幼兒教育辦公室 (OECE) 在制定 C 號提案(增加當地早期幼兒教育服務的資助來源)支出計劃的同時,也希望聽聽您的意見!

CPAC數字目前顯示三藩市並沒有足夠托兒空位接收嬰幼兒,因此需要增加嬰幼兒的空位。你認為可以如何解決這個問題?Statistics from CPAC shown San Francisco does not have enough infant & toddler slots for all income eligible families. They have to increase the capacity of infant & toddler slots. What solutions do you have to resolve this issue?
94080增加0岁到2 岁的限额Increase allocation of children aged 0 to 2.
94103家庭托儿负责0-3岁儿童的照顾,托儿中心负责3-5岁儿童的照顾。Family child care providers take care of children aged 0 to 3 years old and child care centers take care of children aged 3 to 5 years old.
94103还有很多新开的托儿者还没有收到小孩,将小孩转介给他们There are many newly open family child care home that haven't enrolled children. (Agency) should refer children to them.
94108婴幼儿的年龄应该由二岁调至一岁半就能缓解这个问题。Infant age defintion should be lower to 1.5 years old from 2 years old. This will help relieve the problem.
94108家庭托儿需要被重视收生情况,解决空缺问题(SF) needs to pay attention to the enrollment situation of family child care providers, and resolve the vacancy problem.
94108应该首先要照顾家庭托儿者优先,因为那些中心有很多经费,而家庭托儿者没有经费,只是有孩子带才能有收入。现在开了这么多中心托儿,另到家庭托儿者,常常收不到孩子,最好能把婴儿的年龄掉到18个月(SF) should put priority in assisting family child care educators. It is because centers have more funding, but family child care educators have no funding. Family child care educators cannot have income to run their program unless they have kids enrolled in their program. Now there are so many newl child care centers, it causes family child care educators unable to enroll children. It would be good to lower the infant definition to 18 months old.
94108我有3个小孩子,还有一个婴儿位,都半年了无人问津。I have 3 children. I still have 1 infant slot. I have not received any inquiry for half of a year.
94112SF有很多托兒者有空位Many child care providers in SF has vacant slots.
94112增加婴幼儿的空位;要求中心的岁数在三岁半以上岁数Increase infant slots. Child care center should be (for children) age 3.5 year
94112增加财政透明度Increase the transparency of financial
94112應該將有空缺的托兒所填滿空缺。(SF) should fill the available vacant slots.
94112我一直都收五到孩子。拿左拍牌照一直都入五到政府机构,而且好难受生。不知如何经营下去。I have been unable to receive children. After I receive my family child care license, I cannot join government agency program. It is very hard to enroll children. I don't know how to keep on operating.
94112我巳经报告了我托儿空位有两个多月了,但没有收到有孩子转介。I have reported my vacancy for two months. I have not received any child referral.
94112我希望可以尽快加入OECE, 可以收到政府补助儿童,帮助更多需要帮助的孩子,让孩子的父母可以去做工I wish I can be part of OECE, so I can accept government subsidized children. I want to help more children who needs help. So parents can go to work.
94112提高婴儿托额Increase slots for accepting infants
94112提高现在的家庭托儿的空缺的准确性。很多托儿者并不明白如何操作报告空缺。Improve the accuracy of the number of vacant slots in family child care homes. Many family child care providers do not understand how to report vacancy.
94112據說有一部分已派位的小孩仍然在系統內,所以護儿才能把在托的小孩抽去他們的中心,所以是否真的有小孩沒空位呢?為什麼托儿者有空位但是沒有客呢?這就是說他們的管理有問題。而且不听取托儿者的聲音,總是打太極推辭責任。解決這個問題就是:以協会名義去以Oece協商,要求他們拿出解決托儿者有空位但數据顯示沒有足夠空位的錯誤,是那個管理環節出問題,并找出解決問題的方案。I heard that few enrolled kids are still in the wait list system, so Wu Yee can remove already enrolled kids from family child care to their centers. I wonder if it is true that no enough slots for children. Why family child care providers have open slots but without clients? There is a problem for the management. Also, they turn a deaf ear to the voices of family child care providers, they always shift the blame to others without resolving the issues. To solve this problem, we, as association, need to meet and negoiate with OECE. We need OECE to realize the mistakes/errors on the numbers that show where there are not enough slots, meanwhile family child care providers are having open slots. OECE needs to find out which part of the management cause this mistake and create a plan of action to resolve this probem.
94112有些托儿者还未认识新系统尚未登入帐户Some child care providers have not learned about the new wait list system, they are unable to log in to their accounts.
94112有部分家庭托儿还有空位,同时可以将婴儿的年龄调整为0-12个月Some family child care providers still have open slots. At the same time, the infant definition can change to 0 to 12 months.
94112派位不够完美。因为我们托儿者有好多空位。为什么没有人打电话来找托儿。Child allocation is working perfectly. It is because we (family child care providers) have many open slots. Why no one call and inquire about child care?
94116有些家庭托兒者沒有足夠小朋友. 家長可以選擇去那些家庭托兒.Some family childcare are not having enough children. Parents may go to these daycare.
94121很多家庭托儿都还有空位并没有满额Many family child care providers have open slots. They are not full enrolled yet.
94121按照地区提供婴幼儿,网站虽然每天自动提供孩子但是都是太远家长也没有兴趣去,希望可以按照地域或者邮区分配孩子。谢谢!Referral of infant and toddlers should be based on geological location. Although website refer children automatically, families stated it is too far for them and as a result not interested to come. I wish the system can refer children according to its geoloical location or ZIP code. Thanks
94122我有空位I have open slots.
94122我觉得婴儿的年龄区域很长0-24个月.其实我们可以调到婴儿的年龄区域0-12个月,那么就可以有更多的婴儿位置空出来I think infant age defines as 0 to 24 months being too long. Actually, we can change the infant age definition to 0 to 12 months instead. Then we will have more infant slots open.
94122现在收生好难It is very hard to enroll children.
941241. 增加低收入的的上限,應為以現在所謂的收入,應該在三藩市未能過生存。 2應該分開中心照顧3-5歲的幼兒,家庭托兒照顧0-3歲的嬰幼兒,區分開來,從而達到人人都可以有足夠的嬰幼兒人數1. increase the low income eligible limit, the current income limit
94124同意增加接收托兒的空位In agreement of increasing the capacity.
94124將嬰兒的年零改善0至12個月Change the infant definition to 0 to 12 months old.
94124據我所知,還有家庭托兒還有空位.As I know, there are some of the family daycare still having the daycare spot availables.
94132介紹托兒比家庭托兒工作者refer child care service to family child care educators.
94132填滿現有的家庭托兒和增加家庭托兒是最便宜的方法full enrollment of existing FCC and increase in FCC sites is the lest expensive alternative
94132我認為不需要,現在很多家庭托兒有很多空位,多沒有填滿.I don't think it is necessary. Many family child care providers have open slots, most of them have not filled their slots.
94133不需要增加空位,因为我们原来参加OECE计划的家庭托儿都还没有满位,又让那此计划外的进来,那我们不是雪上加霜吗?No need to increase opening. It is because ELS family child care providers who are currently participating in OECE program have not filled their slots. If OECE allows other non ELS programs to join, won't it make a difficult situation even worse family child care providers?
94133到目前为止我仲有两个婴儿位,无论增加多少婴儿位,也是为中而设。家托照旧无法收到小朋友。😭Until now, I have two infant slots open. No matter SF increases how many more slots for infant, it is for the centers. Family child care providers cannot enroll new children. 😭
94133就算有了新的系统。也很少有二岁的孩子的父母打电话咨询、我空了三个二岁以上的位有三个月了!到现在为止我还是迫于无奈之下只好收多1个B了!目前还在等到下个月头才开始!Even there is a new wait list system, there are very few families with children aged under 2 call in and inquiry. I have 3 toddler slots open for 3 months. So now, I cannot help but have to take 1 more infant to fill my slots. The new infant will have to wait until next month to start as well.
94133强烈要求增加空位!!Strongly request for more openings!
94134反对,现在的家庭托儿都有空缺,应该先安排空缺的,对家长和孩子都有益的,希望关注。I do not agree. Many family child care providers have open slots now. (Agency) should put priority on filling the child care slots. It is beneficial to parents and children. I wish agency can pay more attention to this (problem).
94134希望托儿转介机构的服务员多点关心家庭托儿员,因为我们随时会有空缺的I wish R&R agency workers will care more about us. Because we can have vacancy anytime.
94134应按每季一次或一年多次派位,可以减少家庭托儿者的学位空缺(Agency) should refer children quarterly or multiple times in a year. It can lower the open slots for family child care homes.
94134我己经开了8年家庭托儿后,我知到不容易呀!我加入了OECE 之后由5个小孩子一直减到現在只看一个小孩子。Wuyee 等中心不断有新开的不能再鼓励其他人开家托儿所了!I have started my family child care for 8 years. It is not easy for me. After I joined OECE, my enrollment number dropped from 5 kids to 1 kid. Wu Yee and other child care centers are keep opening and expanding. They cannot keep encouraging other to start family child care homes.
94134我的托儿所仍有空缺为什么还要增加空位?My family child care still have open slots. Why (SF) increases more open slots?
94134我知道好多優質家庭托兒所還有好多空位可以照顧這些嬰幼兒入讀家庭托兒所。I know there are many quality family child care providers still have open slots to enroll infants and toddlers into their program.
94134我認為政府要多撥款,和家長年收入升高一㸃,令在職人士可以受惠。政府撥款多的,和提高家庭收入,令多些家長可以申請托兒。I think government should allocate more funding. Family income limit can be raised. So more working families can benefit. More government funding, and higher income limit will allow more parents to apply for child care.
94134我认为可以让每个托儿者多收婴儿 还有平均地推荐到每个托儿所I think every family child care provider can enroll more infants. (Agency) can evenly refer children to every family child care home.

